A downloadable game

This modified decompile I created is the first game of this series. As usual, some elements have been modified, rearranged, and redesigned. If you have any ideas, suggestions, or bugs you would like to report, please leave them in the comments section below.

Credits are shown in the game.

Updated 10 days ago
StatusOn hold
TagsBaldi's Basics


Alpha 58 MB

Development log

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Will you add Jerryson J. Cat in V0.0.6?

adding in v0.0.61

It's actually a very good game, I really liked it!

Do V0.0.6

Character suggestion: Jerry J. Cat

I need help for what will this character will do I'm out of ideas

I work on the mod too by also suggesting stuff. Can I give you help?


If you have Discord, the discord link in the game leads you to the creator's server. We can help you out if so.

I've got the mechanics! His mechanics are based on BBRMS plandy, he will place mouse traps instead of bear traps.

(1 edit)

hey nelsa! can we submit characters and items?

Suggestion of this character in 0.0.4 update


What’s his name?

his name is John Cen

Can You Do Android Port Update Please

Deleted 51 days ago



This looks interesting.